Monday, August 27, 2007


When it Rains, it Pours

It's been a while since I last posted, and quite a bit has happened. I think I'll start with the event that gave this post it's name. Since just about everyone who might read this blog lives around me it's not much for news, but it rained here a little last week. Anderson's rain gauge topped out at 7 inches, so all I know is that we got more than that amount of rain. Stockton got 17 inches. Thats a lot. Just about everyone I know had some sort of flooding. Corey flooded, Andersons flooded, Alisha flooded. Fun story. Alisha called at nine on Sunday night just to talk, but of course, the first thing she says is that they had been bailing water out of her basement, and had given it up for useless. Well, as my family has an extra pump, because water is commonplace for us, I was in my car 10 minutes after she called. I set the pump up and got to work with Alisha tearing the carpet out of her and Nicole's rooms. I spent 2 hours moving stuff and pulling carpet. I was done working by eleven thirty, and I felt wide awake. As soon as I sat down, however, I crashed and I didn't get up for three quarters of an hour. Actually, I found it rather enjoyable, except for the whole "Girlfriend lost half a house" thing. But really, we had it lucky. This link, sent to me by MALESTORM! will explain what I mean.Flood Pictures
In other news, play practice has started. It's always fun to see my friends, but its a little strange without little. I don't care for the way the new director is doing things, but I will hold my tounge until this play is over. I think we have to give her one play to fall into a method that works for her.
Another thing that has happened: Party! My parents' 25th. They have been married 25 years, thats pretty good. The ceremony was alright, I sang, and did the readings, and carried the rings, but it was OK. Mostly it was just a really good excuse to get as many of our exchange students back as possible. Fabrizo couldn't come because of his job, but the rest we invited made it. Everyone came and left at different times, but they were all here when it counted. To explain, Lauri was the last one to arrive, getting here the morning of the ceremony, and jon was the first to leave, early the day after. One added bonus of the party was that Alisha got to spend the night. That was pretty cool, and she went to church with me in the morning.
More has happened, like a doctor appointment, and learning to make balloon animals at said doctor appointment, but I am to tired now to continue this monotonous post.
Enjoy your reprieve.

Friday, August 03, 2007


In Fair Weather, I Saw My Love

I went to the county fair four times from Monday to Friday, in total spending more than a full day there. I don't like the fair that much; I'm just whipped. Perhaps that should be 'didn't like:' I had fun this year. Alisha was at the fair with her horses, and I came to keep her company. In the morning I would show up, and I would stay with her all day, making myself useful whenever I could. For three days I did this, and by the end, I would say I am pretty comfortable around horses now. I was never afraid of them, exactly, but it can be pretty intimidating to stand next to a large horse if you have never been around them. I stopped in today again, the horses had left Wednesday night, so I just kept Alisha company as she took care of her calf. All told, it was a good experience, if a long, hot, and tiring one.

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