Monday, December 25, 2006


Presents are my Least Favorite Part of Christmas

It may sound blasphemous, but it's true. I like the time off of school, and I greatly enjoy time with family and friends, but the presents bother me. I don't like having my parents spend money on things I don't need, or even really want. It just seems a huge waste.
I enjoyed christmas eve, though. We went to Andersons for supper, and played Tripoli afterward. We then went to 10:00 Mass, which was nice. The choir sang "Night of silence," which was kinda fun.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Christmas Break

Its been almost a month since my last post, and not much has happend. We had a day off for an almost indicerable reason. At least it's break now. And all I have for home work is a WWI project. Great fun. I animated 6 stick figures coming out of a trench and getting shot.

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