Monday, February 19, 2007


Sick of Being Sick

Not that anyone ever enjoys being sick, but you know what I mean. Besides the fact that its not much fun to try to push your brains into a Kleenex, or hack up your lungs, being sick also ruined my plans for this weekend. It made working miserable on Saturday, and made me unable to go out on Sunday night, like I had originally planed. I might have been alowed to go out, but I would not have been good company. Same goes for Monday. It was tempting, but I didnt think it wise to join all of my friends at the mall, or wherever they went. I'd probably just get them all sick. Instead, I got to spend all of today doing nothing. I did homework for 15-20 minutes, and then sluffed. It's not too enjoyable for me; lethargy makes me grumpy and depressed. Sunday I did go to a Daytona 500 party with my dad, and it was kinda fun. We ate food and won prizes (I got a hat and a clock). We snowmobiled there, which was pretty cool. Back to school tomorrow, hopefully I feel like less crap.

i hope u feel better:) it sucks u couldn't hang out yesterday or today:( See u tomorrow~
poor Brandon, i Hope you feel better dude
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