Friday, November 03, 2006


One Week

It's already been a week since Romeo and Juliet. I guess that went pretty well. There were still things I thought could have been better, but that's just me. I would have liked to see a bigger turn-out. Two performances just aren't enough, and they don't give any time for word to spread. Matinees don't bring the crowds or the energy of night performances, and I wouldn't mind seeing them go. Unfortunately, that leaves us with only two non-school nights. Doing a performance and then going to school the next night would be difficult, to say the least. Impossible is closer to the truth. We could do two weekends in a row, but that would be really hard to organize. Theater is pretty much the last thing on people's minds when they organize events.
Well, other than that, not a lot has happened. We took Jordan down to the yard to look at cars. There's a Neon he could get for $1000, but he's daunted by the 172,000 miles on it. Oh well.

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